Invest In A Cross Trainer This Christmas, You Won't Regret It

There's no need to go out in the cold for a fitness session
14:00, 18 Dec 2020

Millions of us have become fitness-obsessed this year. Stuck indoors for months, we’ve used the time wisely to get moving, and with 2021 approaching, people will be looking to boost their routines. If you want to take your workouts to the next level, invest in a cross trainer.

“They are extremely easy to use, and provide a great workout without you having to stress too much about outside factors like sporting ability, weather conditions, technique etc,” Wirral-based personal trainer and gym owner Jordan Winstanley tells The Sportsman. “They are multi-limb so it’s brilliant for a full-body workout as opposed to equipment like the stationary bike.

“They’re great for home usage too as they don’t require too much space. The main benefit of a cross trainer is the ability for the user to be in complete control and exercise safely. The non-weight-bearing impact makes usage brilliant for injury prevention and comfort.

“Find out what you enjoy,” is Jordan’s advice. “Adherence and consistency will always give you the most rewards and you won’t stick to anything you don’t enjoy. So low-intensity or high-intensity intervals, just go with what you can enjoy.”

So, without further ado, here is a selection of the best cross-trainers on the market right now.


Opti 2 in 1 Air Cross Trainer and Exercise Bike - Price: £99.99

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One of the most affordable cross-trainers on the market coming in at under 100 quid, you’re getting a lot of bang for your buck with the Opti 2 in 1 as not only is it a cross-trainer, but it’s an exercise bike too.

Coming with free tension control and an air resistance system, this piece of equipment displays speed, distance and also counts your calories so you can constantly keep a track of your progress, inspired to keep putting in those hard yards.

This is the perfect gift for the loved one who has really got into fitness during this crazy year. It’s also ideal if you are returning from an injury.


Reebok GX40s One Electronic Cross Trainer - Price: £379.99

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Ah Reebok, a classic brand, which adorned most of our footy boots and trackie bottoms in the late nineties right through the 2000s (who remembers those iconic Liverpool strips as Michael Owen and Robbie Fowler caused havoc?). Now, the Reebok GX40s is as durable and effective as Sam Allardyce’s Bolton, where the brand was founded 125 years ago.

Reebok say the GX40s is perfect for all fitness levels and it comes with 32 different resistance levels giving you the variety to up your game as you build your stamina. Coming with integrated hand pulse sensors to monitor performance and dual-action handlebars, what’s handy is it’s compact for easy storage and it even boasts built-in transport wheels.


JTX Tri-Fit Cross Trainer - Price: £735

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Boasting a stride adjustment system to allow users of different heights and sizes, this is a great cross trainer for the family and is able to keep pace with even the fittest gym-goers out there.

This comes with 18 different programs but you can also create your own, meaning you can maintain your levels and boost them as and when. There are also speakers so you can play your thumping tunes, while there is also interactive bluetooth training support, keeping track of all your workout stats. 


Life Fitness E1 Elliptical Cross Trainer - Price: £2,295

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The E1 Elliptical is one of the pricier models out there, combining premium design with WhisperStride technology for a smooth stride and a club-inspired Track Plus console which boasts 14 build-in workouts for a range of abilities.

With this cross trainer, you can link it up to your favourite smartphone fitness apps, as well as iPhone controls so you can bang out your favourite tunes. Also, the Life Fitness Virtual Trainer is on hand and you can even update the machine with the latest advances via a USB port. There are of course heart rate sensors built in too, but for improved accuracy you can also use the wireless heart rate chest strap.


Bowflex Max Trainer M8 - Price: £2,999

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‘Make the most of every workout’ is the Bowflex tagline for this machine, and with this cross trainer you’ll certainly do that. Based on the previous M7 model, the M8 will be your mate by helping you train smart.

With a unique ‘burn rate’ the cross trainer will give you manageable, achievable targets with set segments of workouts and rest. Also, the Bowflex HRNY app has a trainer called ‘Max’ of course, who’ll coach you through your routines - it’s basically your very own personal trainer!

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