The Sportsman's Christmas Football XI

The Sportsman's Christmas Football XI
06:56, 01 Dec 2017

It is December and Christmas is officially here! Get your Christmas trees up, start thinking of those Christmas presents and get ready for the absolute feast of football coming your way. December is the month with the most league fixtures in the entire season and can make or break a team's season. Will Manchester City continue their dominance during a packed schedule or will Manchester United close the gap?

All this remains to be seen, but here at Sportsman HQ we have been racking our brains and come up with our own football team made up of players and Christmas puns. Clearly, we are lining up in a reliable 4-4-2 system although the classic Christmas tree formation will be used as a back-up if our original gameplan does not work.

We've even cobbled together an owner, coaching staff and a stadium!

(Warning - These 'puns' may cause excessive cringing.)


Tinsel Bank

Owner of the club

David Gold


Brussels Slade

Assistant Manager

Alan Pardew in a pear tree


Darren Rudolph


Pascal Chimneybonda


Silent Zat Knight


Ledley Three Kings


Fabian Elf

Right midfield

Carrolls Poborsky

Centre midfield

Danny Myrrhphy

Centre midfield

Frankincense Lampard

Left midfield

Ryan Pigs-in-blankets


Nile Manger


Cinnamon Pongolle

Screen_Shot_2017 11 30_at_15_19_32


GK - David Stockingdale

CB - Marcus Ro-ho-ho-ho

CM - Mark Tinsella

CM - Nortei Nortey List

LM - Wayne Sproutledge

ST - Demba Ba-Humbug

ST - Harry Candy Kane

Remember to send in your best suggestions to us on Twitter @TheSportsman and let us know who would make your side!

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The Sportsman
Manchester United
Manchester City
Premier League
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