Christian Eriksen ''Awake And In Stable Condition'' After Collapsing On Pitch

Denmark's Group B tie against Finland was postponed after a horrifying ordeal involving Christian Eriksen
19:14, 12 Jun 2021

The world of football was left distraught on Saturday as midfielder Christian Eriksen collapsed and Denmark’s opening fixture against Finland was abandoned just before half-time.

Eriksen was later confirmed to be stable in hospital after a horrifying ordeal that resulted in the Group B match being suspended 42 minutes in.

In a truly distressing scene, Eriksen, 29, fell to the floor while the game was still in play, with the severity of the incident clear from the way the Inter Milan star dropped to the ground.

Referee Anthony Taylor reacted quickly, immediately sensing the seriousness of what was unfolding. He called for medics to come on the pitch and treat the unwell Eriksen while his distressed teammates formed a blockade around their talisman.

The first responders performed CPR on Eriksen as the stadium was stunned into silence, with everyone inside the stadium clearly upset at what had just unfolded in front of their eyes. Everyone on the front line were true heroes and they all acted so quickly to ensure the Danish midfielder got the urgent care that he needed.

UEFA then announced that the match had been officially abandoned due to a “medical emergency” and another statement confirmed a “crisis meeting” has taken place between the two teams and match officials.

The release read: “Following the medical emergency involving Denmark’s Christian Eriksen, a crisis meeting has taken place with both teams and match officials and further information will be communicated at 19:45 CET. The player has been transferred to the hospital and has been stabilised.”

The Danish Football Association later confirmed that the 29-year-old was “awake” and in a stable condition but was being examined further at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen.

Figures from all across the football world soon took to social media to send express their hope that Eriksen makes a speedy recovery.

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